Bonneville Dam Tour
Our Scouting event for November is a private tour of the Bonneville Dam and visiting nearby attractions!
This outing is free! PLEASE SIGN UP HERE in ADVANCE; we need to provide a list of members in our group to the Army Corp of Engineers, who operates the dam and is providing the private tour.
We will meet November 16 at 9:50am at the Bradford Island Visitor Center.
The tour is from 10am - 11:30am.
After the tour, we will have snacks/lunch (bring your own), and head over to the Bonneville Fish Hatchery (location) 1/4 mile away for a self-directed tour, including seeing the beloved Herman the Sturgeon. I expect we'll spend 45 minutes here, but folks can stay as long as they want.
Those who want to continue the adventure can head 0.5 miles to Tanner Creek (location) to see salmon spawning in Tanner Creek and do a short hike before heading home.
Additional resources/details:
A portion of the dam tour will be outside, so dress for outside weather (the hatchery is completely outdoors).
The Army Corp of Engineers requests no backpacks / large purses during the tour. The tour is 90 mins, so we can leave snacks, etc. in our cars.
If you'd like to watch some videos with your Scout about Salmon migration or how dams work (or can't make the event), Bonneville has some educational resources here:
Lee Pike will be organizing this outing. Please contact Lee with any questions. Email: or Phone/Text: 971-255-3601